Strange. The more cold it gets outside the more I have the urge to throw off my clothes. When the days become dark outside and snow begins to fall there is hardly something better than to lie on a fur before the open firplace and to weave new erotic fantasies over a glas of finest Whisky ... Photographer: Carmelo Burgaretta
Hey, did I mention that I am a menace to society? That I like inflammable liquids and guns? No? Well, see for yourself ... Photographer: Carmelo Burgaretta
On these cold winter-days I often sit in front of the window like a cat and watch the snow-covered fields. It is days like these that bring out the procelain-doll in me ... Photographer: Carmelo Burgaretta
On my last Hamburg-trip I wasn't just away during the daytime of course as Hamburg really comes to life during the night. In the harbour area under the street lantern I went looking for the traces of Lily Marleen. Photographer: Jörg Böh
These pictures were taken on a photography workshop. I like to support ambitious photographers develop and hone their skills and creativity. Photographer: Bernhard Kirchhoff
I am aquainted with two young and crazy female clothing designers that work under the name of "Tolllkirsche". When they asked me to put some of their creations into scene I could not refuse of course.I like the American Pettycoat / Gothic Lolita Style. Especially as they use uncommon materials such as pvc. Photographer: Berserker
These pictures were taken on a workshop. I especially liked the bunker-atmosphere. Plain concrete walls like my cellar. Walls that provide very nice acoustics with the screams of my victims ... Photographer: Stefan Baer
I have used the last few rays of autumn sunlight to do a shoot in a sunflower-field. The flowers were already a little dried up. I love gothic symbolism. Reason enough to be the dark harvester ... Photographer: Berserker